Friday, June 22, 2012

Stuffed Tomatoes

I’m Makenzie and were ready to hit the spotlight with this amazing recipe! Its stuffed tomatoes!

IngredientsHow much to use
TomatoAny size I like the size above
Balsamic Dressing1 teaspoon
Chopped onions1 teaspoon
Carrots1 teaspoon
Mozzarella Cheese1 teaspoon
Red Bell Pepper1 teaspoon
Sour Cream1 tablespoon

Tip: If there is not enough room in your tomato than make ingredient smaller size.

Slice the top of your tomato off and take the knife and outline the seeds with it. Take a spoon and take all the seeds out. Add: Tomato, balsamic chopped onions, carrots, mozzarella cheese and red bell pepper all in the tomato. Put sour cream on top with some chives to make it look presentable. Tip: Would be a good appetizer.

Have a good summer!

Apple Cinnamon Cupcakes

Today we’re going to make apple cinnamon cupcakes. Lets go! Tip: Preheat oven at 350 F.

This is the cupcake batter recipe:

Ingredients How much to use
Cake Flowers1 1/2 cups
Sugar1 cup
Baking Powder1 1/2 teaspoons
Salt1/4 teaspoons
Butter (softened) 1/2 cup (one stick)
Egg1 large egg
Egg2 large egg yolks
Vanilla1/2 teaspoon
Milk1/2 cup
Apples1/2 cup DO not make them big slices

So if you want you can separate them in bowls but I don’t do that I combined all of them and blend till fluffy. Put them in the oven for at least 20-25 minutes and bake at temperature 350. Tip: At three minutes put an apple slice on top and put back in oven make sure they're not big make them small.

While those are cooking we’ll make the frosting.
IngredientsHow much to use
Butter (softened) 1 stick
Confectioners Sugar (Powdered Sugar) 3.5 cups
Cinnamon1 cup
Vanilla1 teaspoon
Milk5 tablespoons

Stir until as creamy as you would like. Tip: Sometimes this can get to liquidy add more Confectioners sugar.

Now that your cupcakes are done add frosting on cupcake and put an apple slice on it with a pinch of cinnamon.  Hope you make them!